Dog Detail for Dog ID 31690
Dog Name: Oxfride Wasilisa(Vetrova)
Call Name:
Sex: Female
Registrations: RUS4591222 (RKF)
Whelp Date: Jun 2, 2016
Litter ID: 7920
DNA Reg #:
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Certifications: No certifications in the database for this dog.
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:10:00 PM

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Oxfride Wasilisa(Vetrova)                   
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Horunzhiy iz Blagorodnogo Doma Dec 6, 2013              
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Sennenhund Rossii Lacosta Jun 17, 2013              

Full Siblings

Full Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Oxfride Winter(Vetrova)Jun 2, 2016       

Half Siblings by Sire

No half siblings by sire found in the database for this dog

Half Siblings by Dam

No half siblings by dam found in the database for this dog

Horunzhiy iz Blagorodnogo Doma
00M0018 | 2013 -      | ID#91
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Sennenhund Rossii Lacosta
RUS3753788 | 2013 -      | ID#31501
Sennenhund Rossii Magnat
RUS1889511 | 2006 -      | ID#30938
Conrad vom Dachsborn
RUS1319279 | 2002 -      | ID#30885
Beatrice vom Koblenzer Schloss
RUS1319280 | 2002 -      | ID#30886
Sennenhund Rossii Mafia
RUS2454129 | 2008 -      | ID#31277
WS21783207 | 2007 -      | ID#41316
Sennenhund Rossii Florensia
RUS2031912 | 2007 -      | ID#31216
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: Four complete generations required
Total Dogs in pedigree:  1022 Oldest Generation:  10
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  314 Complete Generations:  1
Note that the four complete generations must include complete parentage.
Click here for more info on COI.
Calculated on Jul 16, 2022 05:16 PM