Dog Detail for Dog ID 673
Dog Name: Wallo vom Schachenhof
Call Name:
Sex: Male
Registrations: 68944 (SHSB)
Whelp Date: Feb 27, 1936
Litter ID: 194
DNA Reg #:
Frozen Semen:
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Certifications: No certifications in the database for this dog.
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:10:00 PM

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Wallo vom Schachenhof                   
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Hardi vom Hinterfeld Sep 23, 1931              
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Belline - Hohlinden Feb 9, 1929              

Full Siblings

Full Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Wächter vom SchachenhofFeb 27, 1936       
Walda vom SchachenhofFeb 27, 1936       
Agor vom SchachenhofJan 10, 1938       
Ami vom SchachenhofJan 10, 1938       
Amor vom SchachenhofJan 10, 1938       
Assür vom SchachenhofJan 10, 1938       

Half Siblings by Sire

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Wäffler vom SchachenhofSep 29, 1936       
Waldi vom SchachenhofSep 29, 1936       
Wally vom SchachenhofSep 29, 1936       
Zoggi vom SchachenhofOct 10, 1937       
Bäri vom SchachenhofOct 10, 1940       
Bass vom SchachenhofOct 10, 1940       
Boss vom SchachenhofOct 10, 1940       

Half Siblings by Dam

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Jung Nero vom SchachenhofAug 31, 1930       
Lord vom SchachenhofDec 15, 1932       
Prinz vom SchachenhofDec 15, 1932       
Udit vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       
Ulan vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       
Ulga vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       
Uran vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       
Urs vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       
Ursel vom SchachenhofApr 7, 1934       

Hardi vom Hinterfeld
43843 | 1931 -      | ID#421
Arno(1) von Fryberg
29413 | 1927 -      | ID#289
Bello vom Steinenberg
22935 | 1925 -      | ID#231
Lina von der Sandgrube
14401 | 1922 -      | ID#170
Lory vom Gleimet
28709 | 1927 -      | ID#280
Bello vom Steinenberg
22935 | 1925 -      | ID#231
Nora vom Gleimet
23287 | 1925 -      | ID#234
Belline - Hohlinden
32434 | 1929 -      | ID#338
Alex vom Wiliberg
22711 | 1925 -      | ID#224
14378 | 1919 -      | ID#163
Miggi(2) vom Wiliberg
20595 | 1924 -      | ID#206
Lorli(1) vom Schachenhof
23982 | 1925 -      | ID#240
Rasco vom Steinhof
16018 | 1922 -      | ID#188
Lilly von der Rothöhe
20610 | 1921 -      | ID#207
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: Four complete generations required
Total Dogs in pedigree:  134 Oldest Generation:  10
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  39 Complete Generations:  3
Note that the four complete generations must include complete parentage.
Click here for more info on COI.
Calculated on Jul 15, 2022 10:26 AM