Dog Detail for Dog ID 33901
Dog Name: Brina od Radovne
Call Name:
Sex: Female
Registrations: SLO000072 (KZS)
Whelp Date: Oct 4, 2002
Litter ID: 3567
DNA Reg #:
Deceased: Jul 9, 2013
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:10:00 PM
Cert/Test ByTestedCert # / Report #Listed ResultsFindingsTest Date
FCI ClubElbowsED-0/0ED-0/0Normal/Clear 
FCI ClubHipsHD-A/AHD-A/AGood To Excellent 
FCI ClubShoulderOCD-0/0OCD NormalNormal/Clear 

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Brina od Radovne 10.8 Good To Excellent Normal/Clear Normal/Clear      
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Atos(Babnik) Nov 29, 1999   Good To Excellent          
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Ola de Saint Mansuy Feb 7, 1998   Borderline          

Full Siblings

Full Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Sana Ula(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Scott(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Sindy(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Sky(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Spik(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Stella Negra(Celec)Dec 29, 2001       
Sten(Celec)Dec 29, 2001 Good To ExcellentNormal/ClearNormal/Clear   
Beka od RadovneOct 4, 2002       
Beta od RadovneOct 4, 2002 Fair to BorderlineBorderline    
Bjana od RadovneOct 4, 2002       
Bor od RadovneOct 4, 2002       
Boy od RadovneOct 4, 2002       
Brin od RadovneOct 4, 2002       
Can od RadovneJul 15, 2003       
Cezar od RadovneJul 15, 2003       
Davos od RadovneAug 7, 2004 ExcellentNormal/ClearNormal/Clear   
Dina Diana od RadovneAug 7, 2004-99.1Good To ExcellentNormal/Clear    
Dona od RadovneAug 7, 2004 ExcellentNormal/ClearNormal/Clear   
Dusty od RadovneAug 7, 2004 Good     

Half Siblings by Sire

No half siblings by sire found in the database for this dog

Half Siblings by Dam

No half siblings by dam found in the database for this dog

SLO000017 | 1999 -      | ID#33858
Axel vom Guten Ton
A000275 | 1995 -      | ID#1359
Falk von der Bonsai Ranch
A000272 | 1993 -      | ID#1356
HD-Frei ED-N
Bianca vom Pierre-Pertuis
CH499505 | 1993 -      | ID#7209
Eila von der Rheinebene
SLOreg000001 | 1995 -      | ID#34376
Ivro von der Brandenburg
CHA03423 | 1992 -      | ID#10066
Brina vom Appenzellerhof
CH512252 | 1994 -      | ID#7299
Ola de Saint Mansuy
SLO000001 | 1998 -      | ID#33843
Duc du Val de Sanon
F000016/00009 | 1988 -      | ID#21145
Jasco von Agerstenholz
CH340077 | 1981 -      | ID#6081
F000001/00001 | 1983 -      | ID#21130
Amanda vom Pierre-Pertuis
F000101/00022 | 1992 -      | ID#21220
Donar von der Guenegg
CH424574 | 1987 -      | ID#6724
Quenda von Obersteckholz
CH460411 | 1990 -      | ID#6958
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: Four complete generations required
Total Dogs in pedigree:  1792 Oldest Generation:  10
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  202 Complete Generations:  3
Note that the four complete generations must include complete parentage.
Click here for more info on COI.
Calculated on Jul 16, 2022 11:02 AM