Dog Detail for Dog ID 35973
Dog Name: SeaVaRidges Evening Venus
Call Name: Star
Sex: Female
Registrations: WP61825602 (AKC), US1148 (Pre-AKC)
Whelp Date: Mar 27, 1993
Litter ID: 1997 (COI: 40.7)
DNA Reg #:
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:10:00 PM
Cert/Test ByTestedCert # / Report #Listed ResultsFindingsTest Date
OFAElbowsSMH-EL66F31 NORMALNormal/ClearNov 17, 1995
OFAHipsSMH-202G31F GOODGoodNov 17, 1995

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
SeaVaRidges Evening Venus        Good Normal/Clear        
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Dogwoods Donatello Nov 12, 1990   Fair Normal/Clear        
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
SeaVaRidges Cloud Nine Jan 24, 1990   Fair          

Full Siblings

Full Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
SeaVaRidge Echo ZacharyMar 27, 1993 Good     
SeaVaRidge/Dogwood Echo JesseMar 27, 1993 GoodNormal/Clear    
SeaVaRidge/Dogwood Eco ExpediemMar 27, 1993       
SeaVaRidges Endriken My LeoMar 27, 1993       
SeaVaRidges Evening SeamistMar 27, 1993 Fair     
SeaVaRidges Evening ShadeMar 27, 1993       

Half Siblings by Sire

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Black Creeks AbramsDec 22, 1993       
Black Creeks All American TazDec 22, 1993 Good     
Black Creeks ArkansasDec 22, 1993       
Black Creeks Go To AmsterdamDec 22, 1993       
Black Creeks Littlest AngelDec 22, 1993 Fair     
Black Creeks SeaVaRidges AudiDec 22, 1993 FairNormal/Clear    
Drum Hills I of the StormMar 24, 1994       
DRUM HILLS IDEAL SHAMROCKMar 24, 19944.1      
Drum Hills Im A DivaMar 24, 1994       
Drum Hills IndomitableMar 24, 1994       
Drum Hills IvanhoeMar 24, 1994       
Drum Hills Ivy RoseMar 24, 1994       
Ikhantom of Drum HillMar 24, 1994       
Illiad of Drum HillMar 24, 1994       
Ipswich Esme of Drum HillMar 24, 1994       
Isabella of Drum HillMar 24, 1994  Normal/Clear    
Ivory Domino of Drum HillMar 24, 1994       
Black Creeks Bayoo MagicDec 12, 1994       
Black Creeks Beach BunnyDec 12, 1994       
Black Creeks Blue MoonDec 12, 1994       
Black Creeks ButterscotchDec 12, 1994       
Black Creeks Huckle-BerryDec 12, 1994       

Half Siblings by Dam

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
SeaVaRidges Daringo AceDec 30, 1991       
SEAVARIDGES DEDA UGODec 30, 1991No date      
SeaVaRidges Delilah ShadetreeDec 30, 1991 GoodNormal/Clear    
SeaVaRidges Derk MapplewayDec 30, 1991       
SeaVaRidge Fine GSMD HeidiMay 6, 1994 Good     
SeaVaRidge Fine GSMD PostMay 6, 1994 GoodNormal/Clear    
SeaVaRidge Furst FortuneMay 6, 1994 Good     

Dogwoods Donatello
US0739 | 1990 -      | ID#35228
Allegro of High Ridge
WP61851302 | 1988 -      | ID#35997
Marco von Obersteckholz
WP61850501 | 1986 -      | ID#35996
Sennenhofs Asta
WP61878402 | 1985 -      | ID#36029
SeaVaRidges Black Satin
US0545 | 1989 -      | ID#35048
Lapps C-Regnald
US0394 | 1987 - 1993 | ID#34909
Bessy vom Gugen
US0448 | 1986 -      | ID#34958
SeaVaRidges Cloud Nine
WP61647606 | 1990 -      | ID#35894
Allegro of High Ridge
WP61851302 | 1988 -      | ID#35997
Marco von Obersteckholz
WP61850501 | 1986 -      | ID#35996
Sennenhofs Asta
WP61878402 | 1985 -      | ID#36029
Bessy vom Gugen
US0448 | 1986 -      | ID#34958
Jasco von Agerstenholz
CH340077 | 1981 -      | ID#6081
Brita von der Lischmatt
CH377779 | 1984 -      | ID#6373
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: 40.7
Total Dogs in pedigree:  2046 Oldest Generation:  10
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  134 Complete Generations:  10
Click here for more info on COI.
Calculated on Jul 15, 2022 09:47 PM
Top dogs in Pct Blood
Registered NamePct BloodOccurs
Allegro of High Ridge50.0%2
Dogwoods Donatello50.0%1
SeaVaRidges Cloud Nine50.0%1
Bessy vom Gugen37.5%2
Jasco von Agerstenholz31.3%4
Marco von Obersteckholz25.0%2
SeaVaRidges Black Satin25.0%1
Sennenhofs Asta25.0%2
Jork von Fryberg20.8%96
Zarass von Fryberg20.4%88
Beline von Oepf18.8%9
Brita von der Lischmatt18.8%2
Ulf vom Grafenhügel18.8%9
Fliga von Fryberg17.7%107
Kalla(3) von Fryberg17.7%59
Most occurrences in pedigree
Registered NameOccursPct Blood
Pira von Thumegg10815.2%
Fliga von Fryberg10717.7%
Ara von Kemmental9814.8%
Jork von Fryberg9620.8%
Zarass von Fryberg8820.4%
Judo von Fryberg687.9%
Bodo von Schaliberg647.7%
Kalla(3) von Fryberg5917.7%
Ador von der Nachtweide558.4%
Vero von Fryberg538.8%
Dewet von Breitenegg5214.1%
Anka vom Höllbräu525.9%
Marga von Fryberg388.2%