Dog Detail for Dog ID 36553
Dog Name: SeaVaRidge I Echo
Call Name:
Sex: Female
Registrations: WP76058805 (AKC)
Whelp Date: Dec 29, 1996
Litter ID: 2462 (COI: 20.9)
DNA Reg #:
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Data Source: DB Conversion
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:10:00 PM
No certifications in the database for this dog.

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
SeaVaRidge I Echo                   
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
Polyannas Keno Mar 29, 1993   Fair Normal/Clear        
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Shoulders     Eyes     Heart     Thy  
SeaVaRidges Evening Venus Mar 27, 1993   Good Normal/Clear        

Full Siblings

Full Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
SeaVaRidge I.O.U.Dec 29, 1996       
SeaVaRidge Inkleton v. KenoDec 29, 1996 GoodNormal/Clear    
SeaVaRidge Ivy v IroncrossDec 29, 1996 GoodNormal/Clear    

Half Siblings by Sire

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
Polyannas CopperOct 3, 1996       
Polyannas GraceOct 3, 1996 Good     
Polyannas RussellOct 3, 1996 Good     
SeaVaRidge JaruMar 1, 1997       
SeaVaRidge JourneymanMar 1, 1997       
SeaVaRidge Joy ShaynaMar 1, 1997       
SeaVaRidge Juniata v FeatherMar 1, 1997       
SeaVaRidges Jolly RobbyMar 1, 1997 Fair     
SeaVaRidges Just ShelbyMar 1, 1997       
Alan Gabriels Blue Horizon(Snow)Aug 21, 1997 GoodNormal/Clear    
Barton Manors Boogie Woogie Alan Gabriel(Snow)Aug 21, 1997 GoodNormal/Clear    
Dakota Ridges Sir Otis(Snow)Aug 21, 1997       
Polyannas Brena Of Gabr-All(Snow)Aug 21, 1997 FairNormal/Clear    
Polyannas Gambler V KenoDec 16, 2000 GoodNormal/Clear    
Polyannas Vegas V KenoDec 16, 2000 GoodNormal/Clear    

Half Siblings by Dam

Half Sibling NamesWhelp DateAODHipsElbowsShouldersEyesHeartThy
One If By SeaVaRidgeDec 16, 1995       
SeaVaRidge Gee Sadie-LeaDec 16, 1995       
SeaVaRidge Go JoshuaDec 16, 1995  Normal/Clear    
SeaVaRidge Good King GustavDec 16, 1995       
SeaVaRidge Grand RockyDec 16, 1995       
SeaVaRidge Two If By SeaDec 16, 1995 Excellent     
SeaVaRidges LaderaAug 17, 1997       
SeaVaRidges Lady LisaAug 17, 1997       
SeaVaRidges Lafreda PolyannaAug 17, 1997 FairNormal/Clear    
SeaVaRidges Lucky LewisAug 17, 1997       
SeaVaRidges Master OttoAug 17, 1997       

Polyannas Keno
WP61816204 | 1993 -      | ID#35953
Polyannas Frankinmoos
US0782 | 1991 -      | ID#35262
Shadetree-Polyannas Anchor
US0613 | 1989 -      | ID#35113
Krakatau Philadelphia of Denmark
WP61852102 | 1988 -      | ID#36000
Sennenhofs Patricia
WP61609103 | 1991 -      | ID#35831
Nathan von Agerstenholz
WP61876201 | 1987 -      | ID#36027
Yvette vom Sennenhof
WP61880201 | 1984 - 1995 | ID#36030
SeaVaRidges Evening Venus
WP61825602 | 1993 -      | ID#35973
Dogwoods Donatello
US0739 | 1990 -      | ID#35228
Allegro of High Ridge
WP61851302 | 1988 -      | ID#35997
SeaVaRidges Black Satin
US0545 | 1989 -      | ID#35048
SeaVaRidges Cloud Nine
WP61647606 | 1990 -      | ID#35894
Allegro of High Ridge
WP61851302 | 1988 -      | ID#35997
Bessy vom Gugen
US0448 | 1986 -      | ID#34958
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: 20.9
Total Dogs in pedigree:  2026 Oldest Generation:  10
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  156 Complete Generations:  8
Click here for more info on COI.
Calculated on Jul 15, 2022 09:56 PM
Top dogs in Pct Blood
Registered NamePct BloodOccurs
Polyannas Keno50.0%1
SeaVaRidges Evening Venus50.0%1
Allegro of High Ridge25.0%2
Dogwoods Donatello25.0%1
Polyannas Frankinmoos25.0%1
SeaVaRidges Cloud Nine25.0%1
Sennenhofs Patricia25.0%1
Bessy vom Gugen21.9%3
Zarass von Fryberg19.7%109
Jasco von Agerstenholz17.2%5
Jork von Fryberg14.6%86
Beline von Oepf14.5%14
Ulf vom Grafenhügel14.5%14
Kalla(3) von Fryberg13.5%69
Most occurrences in pedigree
Registered NameOccursPct Blood
Zarass von Fryberg10919.7%
Jork von Fryberg8614.6%
Fliga von Fryberg8411.0%
Pira von Thumegg8410.3%
Ara von Kemmental709.4%
Kalla(3) von Fryberg6913.5%
Quell von Fryberg5612.9%
Vero von Fryberg557.3%
Dewet von Breitenegg5110.3%
Nato von Fryberg468.4%
Dina von Fryberg396.4%
Bodo von Schaliberg384.1%
Vamp von Fryberg3710.5%
Marga von Fryberg376.3%