Litter Detail for Litter ID 1942
Whelp Date: Sep 9, 1992
Litter Reg #:
Country Of Birth:
Kennel: Barton Manor
Sire: SENNENHOFS MARC (WP61876303 (AKC), US0608 (Pre-AKC))
Dam: Barton Manors Robin of Sherwood (WP61838201 (AKC), US0744 (Pre-AKC))
Repro Method:
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Data Source: DB Conversion
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:12:00 PM
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
35479Barton Manors Paragon FUS1045 (Pre-AKC) 
35482Barton Manors PeppermintTillieFUS1048 (Pre-AKC) 
35480Barton Manors Perfection FUS1046 (Pre-AKC) 
35483Barton Manors Perrier MUS1049 (Pre-AKC) 
35477Barton Manors PizzazzPookieFUS1043 (Pre-AKC) 
35481Barton Manors Priority FUS1047 (Pre-AKC) 
36023Barton Manors Proper AttireGarthMWP61861705 (AKC), US1042 (Pre-AKC)Yes 
35478Barton Manors Pure KarmaKarmaMUS1044 (Pre-AKC)