Litter Detail for Litter ID 2021
Whelp Date: Jun 16, 1993
Litter Reg #:
Country Of Birth:
Kennel: Derby
Sire: Prinz von Vorderbirch (WP61668901 (AKC), CH458929 (SHSB), US0774 (Pre-AKC))
Dam: Shadetrees Risky Business (WP61631304 (AKC), US0705 (Pre-AKC))
Repro Method:
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Data Source: DB Conversion
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:12:00 PM
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
35960Derbys BeCarreBonnieFWP61818603 (AKC), US1162 (Pre-AKC) 
35570Derbys Bell of BrassJingleFUS1160 (Pre-AKC) 
35569Derbys Bell Ringer FUS1159 (Pre-AKC) 
35572Derbys Best of Dynasty FUS1165 (Pre-AKC) 
35959Derbys Beta SeaVaRidgeBetaFWP61818602 (AKC), US1163 (Pre-AKC) 
35571Derbys Black Gandolf MUS1161 (Pre-AKC) 
35958Derbys Black ShadowShadowFWP61818601 (AKC), US1164 (Pre-AKC) 
35567Derbys Blushing Brigitte FUS1157 (Pre-AKC) 
35568Derbys Bound Darling FUS1158 (Pre-AKC) 
35961Derbys Buckaroo BanzaiBalooMWP61818608 (AKC), US1166 (Pre-AKC) 
35566Derbys James Brown MUS1156 (Pre-AKC)