| 40359 | Noxs Precious Abigail Sunrise | Abby | F | WS12334904 (AKC) | |
| 40357 | Noxs Precious Cuervo Gold II | Askari | F | WS12334902 (AKC) | |
| 40363 | Noxs Precious Dynamite | Georgia | F | WS123349a@ (AKC) | |
| 40358 | Noxs Precious Lime With Mine | Lil | F | WS12334903 (AKC) | |
| 40361 | Noxs Precious Margarita on the Rox | Maali | F | WS12334906 (AKC) | |
| 40362 | Noxs Precious Norman Petrone | Norman | M | WS12334907 (AKC) | |
| 40360 | Noxs Precious Tequila Shot | Charlotte | F | WS12334905 (AKC) | |