Litter Detail for Litter ID 6510
Whelp Date: Aug 24, 2012
Litter Reg #:
Country Of Birth:
Kennel: Dreams of Cathrine
Sire: Maxi Zgornjesavski (CZ00583/-07/07 (CKU), SLO000328 (KZS))
Dam: Ambrossia Dreams of Cathrine (CZ00612/07 (CKU))
Repro Method:
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Data Source: DB Conversion
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:12:00 PM
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
11660Fatima Dreams of Cathrine FCZ01725/12 (CKU) 
11661Floriana Dreams of Cathrine FCZ01726/12 (CKU) 
11659Folmer Dreams of Cathrine MCZ01723/12 (CKU) 
28723Frisky Dreams of Cathrine MNL2906443 (NHSB), CZ01724/12 (CKU)