Litter Detail for Litter ID 7348
Whelp Date: Dec 14, 2014
Litter Reg #:
Country Of Birth:
Kennel: Snow Legion
Sire: Cool Ange-Gabriel Alpiyskoe Zoloto (UA0062928 (UKU))
Dam: Irma Zorska Prima (UA6111754 (UKU), PL107317 (ZKWP))
Repro Method:
Birth Method:
Total Pups:
Data Source: DB Conversion
Last Updated: 3/20/2022 2:12:00 PM
Dogs In This Litter
 Dog IDDog NameCall NameSexRegistrationsDeceased
30329Lady for Zorska Prima Snow Legion FPL122880 (ZKWP), UA0222866b@ (UKU) 
34440Lara Kroft Snow Legion FUA0222866e@ (UKU) 
34437Laura Morning of Glory Snow Legion FUA0222866 (UKU) 
34438Leona Snow Legion FUA0222866c@ (UKU) 
34439Liza Snow Legion FUA0222866d@ (UKU) 
34441Lord of the Rings Snow Legion MUA0222866f@ (UKU) 
34442Lorenzo Antonio Snow Legion MUA0222866g@ (UKU)